The yellow eel has reached the river and found the perfect habitat

The river is where the eel will spend the majority of it’s life, before swimming all the way back to the Sargasso Sea to spawn.

The eel needs a healthy river, full of food, plenty of clean flowing water and no barriers to prevent it swimming up and down the river.

Use this colouring sheet to create some awesome Eely artwork. What do you think the yellow eel is thinking now it has reached the perfect habitat in the river?

Yellow eel colouring fun

Thames Catchment Community Eels Project completed in March 2022,  for more information please contact us

Working together in partnership

Thames Rivers Trust
Action For The River Kennet
South East Rivers Trust
Thames 21
Thames Estuary Partnership
Green Recovery Fund Project
The Thames Catchment Community Eels Project is funded by the government’s Green Recovery Challenge Fund. The fund is being delivered by the National Lottery Heritage Fund in partnership with the Environment Agency and Natural England.

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