Sustainable urban drainage systems (SuDS) can reduce flood risk by attenuating rain fall
This project was split into two phases. The Thames Restoration Fund contributed to Phase 1, which was creating a demonstration site to increase engagement and enhance understanding about the project and enthuse the local community about SuDS. Phase 1 created opportunities to forge relationships with seven local schools, which would lead to detailed designs of SuDS that will be delivered through Phase 2.
The project presented significant opportunities for education as well as providing recreation and amenity features. A well attended Open Day involved and educated the local community, including local school children. The key objective through this initial project and followed up with a Phase 2 was to disconnect over 4.5 ha of land from the surface water drainage system that was contributing to the surface water network during peak times. The aspiration was to reduce the risk of properties being flooded in the Hackbridge area of the River Wandle by over 80% . When complete the overall project will provide £5.5 million in quantifiable benefits (figures from the EA Cost Benefit calculator).
Click to find out more about SuDS in Sutton Schools and How SuDS work.
Images below: Sutton Council offices, Carshalton. This is now a Rain Garden demonstration site. It is an exemplar of the ways land can be adapted to slow the flow of surface water drainage discharge.

The SERT rain garden showcases the benefits; helping local schools and the wider community to see what a rain garden is and how it works.