July 2018
Community Water Quality Modelling Conference Showcases Potential of New Wetlands in London
It was inspiring to attend a Community Modelling Decision Makers’ Conference recently at Walthamslow Wetlands London, hearing from Thames21 and their Community Modelling Groups from the Pymmes, Ching and Salmons Brooks.
T21 have been running an innovative water quality project working with the community to find solutions to poor water quality. Our TRT Thames Restoration Fund contributed £23k to this ground breaking project, that has been a trial and has led on to a NERC funded 5 year project with UCL addressing water quality and integrated water management.
The project has empowered, motivated and brought together local people and provided evidence on the multi-benefits of SuDS such as wetlands and the places they would be best suited to deliver significant measurable water quality improvements.
The conference brought together decision makers from business, academia, and the public sector. It was great to see how much this project has achieved and the huge benefits of partnership working between different stakeholders.
Thirty four sites suitable for new constructed wetlands and SuDS (Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems) have been identified by communities in north London, working on theT21 Community Water Quality Modelling project. The sites have the potential to help clean three heavily polluted rivers. Click here to find out more.