Thames Rivers Trust is a charity focused on the promotion and delivery of an ecosystem based approach to improving the River Thames and its tributaries

Our Mission

To bring together organisations across the Thames River Basin, and foster collaborative working to benefit the environment, wildlife and communities.

Our Vision

Our Vision is for a vibrant and healthy Thames River Basin.

Our Values


Evidence based



We act as the Hub and focal point for NGOs that share our Vision.

None of this can be achieved by working in isolation, we are committed to developing a collaborative, partnership approach that maximises the benefits of public, private and third sector organisations working together with communities to deliver positive integrated outcomes.

We are keen to join up and support partners that share common objectives for improving the Thames Catchment whether high up in the headwaters or low down the system in the tidal river below London – after all what happens in one part of the catchment greatly affects another.

We are a supporter of the catchment based approach (CaBA) and work closely with our Key Partners, which includes fellow Rivers Trusts that operate within the catchment and The Rivers Trust, the national organisation representing 65 River Trusts in the UK and Ireland; as well as other like-minded organisations within the Thames catchment.

Our Key Partners

Working with our Key Partners we deliver a strategic view, embracing communication, collaboration and skill sharing to create joined-up thinking and funding for projects that contribute to our Vision for the Thames River Basin.

South East Rivers Trust
Thames 21
Thames Estuary Partnership
Freshwater Habitats Trust
Zoological Society of London
Crane Valley Community Interest Company
UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
Thames Landscape Strategy

We Are Also Extremely Grateful to Our Supporters and Funders

Catchment Based Approach
Environment Agency
Thames Water
Green Recovery Challenge Fund

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